Thursday, January 9, 2020

New Years Eve

Well what did you do for New Years Eve, anything exciting?

Well was working on a cabinet to use at the back end of the slide out. We were using a fold up TV tray table with a larger top storing things.  Going to make a couple of cuts on a couple of pieces of wood for the cabinet. Going into the wood shop I tripped over an electrical cord charging a golf cart (batteries). I fell forward going to  my knees and into to the table saw hurting my chest. That was on the twenty-third of December.

On the twenty-sixth I had a fainting while setting in my chair at the computer. This happened again on the thirtieth but I went to the floor this time. On the thirty-first I was at the stove melting a grill cheese sandwich and went down. Something came over me an wake up with my wife patting (all three times) my chest.  It also feels like she is interrupting a dream. Also I felt tired and wanted a nap.

I drove to Artesia Hospital on the thirty-first to get checked out. My lovely wife and I were there about three hours.
I wanted to leave as there was not Cardiologist Doctor to Treat me there.  We were given a script to fill at Walmart Pharmacy and needed to be  there before six and it is five pm now on New Years Eve. O had another fainting while riding in the car and my lovely wife driving on the way to get the prescription (same feeling & conditions).

We went to Artesia hospital but I did not go in. We ended up going back and getting the prescription and riding home. Home a short while I went to raise the thermostat in the hallway and check the temperature setting felling cool in here and had another fainting. My lovely wife called an ambulance. She helped me up and I went to sit in the recliner chair.

The fire department EMT came I was sitting in the recliner chair. They put a monitor on me nothing “jumped” out at them, just a 75 year old man. They could only transport to Artesia Hospital, not tonight. They said I could go by car to Carlsbad Hospital emergency that’s what we did. Rob one of our neighbors in the park drove me and my lovely wife there.

Carlsbad hospital ran some tests and the house doctor transferred me to University Hospital in El Paso, Texas. Ambulance ride to the airport, 35 minute flight to El Paso, Texas, Ambulance ride to University Hospital. We arrived about one thirty am and spent nineteen hours there (New Years) before going to a room upstairs. Wearing a monitor every time they stick on my chest about five electrodes to measure the hart and lungs. Every department or hospital wants their stickers the other are pulled off and new ones are used. Everybody wants to stick your vanes to draw blood. Cuff your arm and check blood pressure and glucose.   

Monitor with Battery telemetry

Food service was latter using Styrofoam container and tray in the ER compared to being up in a room using plates and (hot food) covers.

in the operating room wires installed
Monitor, here at the room I have a battery operated unit with 5 pick ups, leads connected to me with stick on patches. That is where the doctor got the traces. Possible to move around more even a pocket designed to hold the monitor transmitter in the gown.
About 9:10 am, after breakfast and sitting on the  side  of  the  bed,  I fainted,  scared everyone.  I am on a cardiologist monitor. Vitals also taken. Vitals, coming in the room on regular routine, blood pressure cuff, temperature, oxygen and blood glucose. A short time later the house Cardiologist came into the room with three pages print out of the event, now we know a diagnosis. When there is room (Available) in CVICU they will put me on a portable pacemaker. In a neck vane they inserted wires down to my heart and connected to the pacemaker. (Saturday)

black box hanging on I/V pole is temp pacemaker

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