Sunday, January 14, 2018

Buster's Gate - January 1 - 14

Buster's Gate - January 1 - 14
It has been very mundane vehicles in vehicles out day after day. Last Sunday they lost a tool down the hole and that slowed everything for three days. Since then traffic has picked up with sand truck and water removal trucks coming and going. There are shift changes twice a day with the in traffic starting about four-thirty and the outs down about six-thirty.
Rahlee laying on the work dashboard
There are “runners” (vehicles) run out to get something and run back in to the work site. The site is about four miles in from our location here at the gate.

We have had some cold nights (under thirty degrees) and I was not prepared for the freezing weather and our water hose was frozen in the morning so I switched to internal water until it thawed out. The next night I prepared ahead of time and shutoff the water and drained the hose using internal water. Most days are warming to over sixty degrees and one day this week there were north wind gusts over forty miles an hour.
Rahlee in the "Pepsi" "tunnel"
Frack is winding down and will finish soon then a work over rig will come in then flow back crew for about ten days.

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