Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Ranch, Lakewood, NM - Water leak

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The Ranch, Lakewood, New Mexico 63 degrees and partly cloudy to 99 degrees and sunny.

From left the leaking slip fitting
Had to re-dig a hole today for a water leak, one of the sites across from Buster developed a water leak. Not a gushing leak only soaking the ground in the local area.

We cleaned up the cuttings from yesterdays tree trimming. Our outside work slows down about eleven thirty with the sun burning down on us.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Ranch, Lakewood, New Mexico 61 degrees and partly sunny to 99 degrees and sunny. The wind came up after I had fallen asleep and woke me up snapping the awning I got up and rolled it in. Of course the wind layed down after that just a few gusts to snap and pop the awning.
Box moved to a temporary location
MEWS - (Men Eating Without Supervision) two of us car-pooled to The Paddock restaurant about five miles east of Artesia, NM. The population here at The Ranch is very low right now, this might be the last week for a while. Brain (a visitor) is leaving Saturday.

It appears the leak stopped, but we did nothing other then remove the dirt. There was a leak there along time ago and a repair slip fitting was installed. We are giving it some time and then replace the fitting anyway because this is the second time a leak developed on this site.
Square Concrete Slab

After our breakfast trip we got to work removing the freeze protection box from the water standpipe then a concrete slab was removed with the bucket on the tractor. Now we get to dug a hole on a nother site. We now can install four new water stand pipes on four different lots.

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