Monday, March 16, 2015

Buster's Gate Asherton, TX - Mar 14 - 15

Buster's Gate Asherton, TX - Saturday, March 14, 2015 - Pie Day
Morning 51 Degrees, Wind N 1 Mph, Humidity 88%, partly sunny.
Afternoon 81 Degrees, Wind N 6 Mph, Humidity 23%, mostly sunny.  
Sunrise Asherton, TX

Pie, 3.1415927
Another slow day as the grader and roller move out. Rest time for gate guards with very low number of vehicles coming and going thru the gate. This slow time is giving me time to catch up with things on my desk that have been put off during the past three weeks.

NASCAR from Phoenix, AZ and today I was able to enjoy the race without jumping up to answer the gate traffic entering or leaving the well pad. The other gate location also has vehicles coming into the "ranch" these just continue past Buster without turning left. There are usually a few "ranch" entry's on the weekend days.

Equipment going our the gate

Buster's Gate Asherton, TX - Sunday, March 15, 2015
Morning 60 Degrees, Wind ENE 10 & gusting to 16 Mph, Humidity 68%, partly sunny.
Afternoon 72 Degrees, Wind E 5 Mph, Humidity 55%, mostly cloudy.

NASCAR from Phoenix, AZ and today I was able to enjoy the race without jumping up but once about four o'clock for one oil company driver. Visited some time today with the gate guards at the road (about six hundred feet from Buster). They had more traffic than me as they had people come in for the ranch and they do not need to go thru thpad where the oil wells are located, that is our only concern. Maybe other work will start tomorrow.Buster's Gate Asherton, TX - Sunday, March 15, 2015
Morning 60 Degrees, Wind ENE 10 & gusting to 16 Mph, Humidity 68%, partly sunny.
Afternoon 72 Degrees, Wind E 5 Mph, Humidity 55%, mostly cloudy.

NASCAR from Phoenix, AZ and today I was able to enjoy the race without jumping up but once about four o'clock for one oil company driver. Visited some time today with the gate guards at the road (about six hundred feet from Buster). They had more traffic than me as they had people come in for the ranch and they do not need to go thru to the pad where the oil wells are located, that is our only concern. Maybe other work will start tomorrow.

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