Thursday, June 20, 2013

I found these today that I forgot to post last week, so here you go:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fox Creek Gate Tilden, Texas - 73 degrees partly sunny this morning to mostly sunny 95 degrees. Rain and wind storm this afternoon and the puddle has just dried up.

Starting off slow again today. There is a surveyor set up just outside our gate today. This surveyor came setting off our in alarm just as a water truck was departing. After the water truck left I was waiting for the incoming and there was nothing. The investigation revealed the surveyor setting up in the area behind Buster. Here is an explanation of a wayward driver with directions he cannot handle. First the directions are from SR 16 and he arrives from SR 97, yes Franklin Ranch road goes thru from those state highways. When you come in from SR 97 and come to Fox Creek Gate and pass by the target of your directions site by four miles puzzles me.

Well the water part of the storm was small so the puddle is small and I was able to get the awnings retracted in before any damage from the wind.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fox Creek Gate Tilden, Texas - 78 degrees partly sunny this morning to partly sunny 95 degrees. Well there may not have been enough rain for puddles yesterday but the ground is so wet it is sticking to my shoes. A hot muggy day.

I went into Pleasanton today after Bonnie was up from her nights sleep. The usual wash the Silver Sally, dump the garbage, shopping drinking water and bring something home to Buster for dinner. On the way in I drove into a rain shower but I still needed to wash the mud and dirt off Silver Sally. There was no rain at the gate only there in town and east of Pleasanton.

These horses and cattle were grazing along Franklin Ranch Road today.

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